Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Grace Card DVD - Review & Giveaway

“Our Creator made us for one another.”

The Grace Card is a new movie from Affirm Films (the same company who produced Soul Surfer Linkand Fireproof) which tells stories about the lives of Christians and those newly coming to Christ. Set in Memphis, Tennessee, the film opens with a drug bust (please note, this film is rated PG-13!) and follows “Mac”, a Caucasian police officer and his African American partner “Sam”. Mac is an incredibly angry and bitter man following a stark family tragedy. Sam is a preacher on the weekend filled with the love and hope that Jesus gives His believers. Mac's life seems to be spiraling out of control and, after tense and persistent conflict between Mac and Sam, Mac reaches a point where he can no longer depend on himself to carry his burden. Reconciliation, Forgiveness, and God are the resolution.

There are some incredibly intense moments in this movie. In the end, I was brought to tears and wanted to raise my hands to the goodness of the Lord. It was refreshing to see men being so vulnerable and bonding over the love of the Lord. One cannot hear enough stories about the power of forgiveness: “For it is by grace you have been saved.” The only cons is that some of the acting is merely fair quality, though other actors are really great. I loved the film and I loved the message. It was full of twists, turns, and was one of the few movies that kept my attention and was worth my time--I can't wait to share it with friends and family.


One lucky reader will win a copy for their very own. To enter, please tell me about a time in your life when you've experienced or witnessed forgiveness or grace. Contest will end Saturday, September 24th, 2011.

Bonus Entries:

  1. Follow me on Google Friend Connection

  2. “Like” me on Facebook (+2 Entries)

  3. Follow me on Twitter

I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


jcwega27 said...

When I was saved

jcwega27 said...


Nickolay said...

The one time when I witnessed grace was at the end when my grandma was suffering. Everyone wanted her pain to be over and she passed in her sleep after years of struggle with cacer.


Jim W. said...

I saw a car accident and both people decided it wasn't a big deal. They forgave each other.

Marianna said...

I have been on the receiving end of much forgiveness from my family. I was something of a hellion in my younger years... kind of a prodigal daughter.
mannasweeps (At) gmail DOT com

Marianna said...

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mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

Erica C. said...

I've definitely seen forgiveness when I've sat in court and watched some cases.

Christina said...

Christina - - I witnessed my mother forgiving my brother Don his absence and total abandonment of the family (he didn't phone her) for over ten years, when he returned (his girlfriend had disliked my mother, so he stayed away!)

mommy2one126 said...

I have made many mistakes in my life and put my family through a lot and have been forgiven by them...

mommy2one126@ yahoo dot com

mommy2one126 said...

I follow on GFC! jillybean10285

mommy2one126@yahoo dot com

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mommy2one126@yahoo dot com

- Epic Fail said...

I witnessed forgiveness when my father openly accepted my brother back to the family after his struggles with drugs and stealing.

- Epic Fail said...

I like you on facebook as Jessica Rose!

- Epic Fail said...

Following with GFC!

- Epic Fail said...

I like you on facebook as Jessica Rose!


Unknown said...

I experience grace on a daily basis from my fiance's family. Three years ago I moved 350 miles away from my family to be with him, and he and his family have been so good to me and treat me like one of their own. I am thankful everyday to have them in my life.

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Unknown said...

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natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Unknown said...

I witnessed forgiveness between my parents a few months after my parents divorced.


cowboyswife said...

Just the other day, a car cut in front of us and did not slow down, did not veer away just kept going like we were not there, if it wasn't for the grace of God we would of been in a horrific accident, the car missed us by an inch, my husband could not figure out how they missed us and I told him by God's grace.

Chip said...

When my husband lost his job, he had to move out of state. It took a few months before we could join him. By the time we moved, the housing market collapsed and it took almost a year to sell our house. We had two mortgages to pay and looking at the budget, there was not supposed to be any money left over. By the grace of God, my husband wound up with overtime for the entire year. We made it through. Once again, God showed us that he would provide a way. We need to trust.

Chip said...

Follow via GFC under the name of Chip

Chip said...

'Like' you on FB - Jill Lear #1

Chip said...

'Like' you on FB - Jill Lear #2

Clair Shumack said...

I showed grace when at the age of 28 and being a single mother, quit my $24.00 an hour job to take care of my grandmother for 400 a week because I refused to see her in a nursing home.

Clair Shumack said...

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Anonymous said...

I see grace at our church everytime someone gets saved.